Cable Component strange behaviour / resimulates every time moved

Hello, anyone knows why the cable component behaves strange?
It just kinda “restarts” the simulation everytime there is a movement happening after it was in rest position… or something like that.

Also: if I attach it to another scene component, it does not even “relax” but just stays in a straight positon.

Video for reference:


Did you find a solution for this? I have a similar problem here. Just attached an unmodified cable component to a player character and it behaved the same way.

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How did you connect the cable to the actors? As far as I know, if you manually move the first point, it will be simulated again, you should only attach and move the end point.

I have the same issue as well. I believe it is a bug since it used to work in older UE versions. Hopefully someone can find a workaround soon.


Same. This works perfectly for me in UE 4.26.

Is this video in the Editor or in the Packed Build? The resetting seems to occur when OnTransformUpdate is called on the Cable component, via this code:

Line 390 in CableComponent.cpp

void UCableComponent::OnUpdateTransform(EUpdateTransformFlags UpdateTransformFlags, ETeleportType Teleport)
	Super::OnUpdateTransform(UpdateTransformFlags, Teleport);


I believe this is what happens when, as Vahab Ahmadvand said, you move the parent actor of the Cable Component.

However, I just tested it, and it seems like this behvaior DOES NOT persist in the Packaged Build (as you’d expect from the WITH_EDITOR tags).

Can you test to see if the behavior is fixed in the Packaged Build for you as well?

UE noob here, how should I fix this behavior in the editor? Can I somehow edit the original cable C++ code to remove that part?

thanks for that - will give it a try at some point - Moved away from the solution since I didn’t find a hint on how to fix it until now.

This Works For UE5.3.2

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