I am currently trying to build my project but i get hit with the following error:
unresolved external symbol __imp_EOS_ProductUserId_FromString referenced in function "private: void __cdecl UEOS_PlayerReports_GameInstance::ReportPlayer(class FString,class FString,class FString)" (?ReportPlayer@UEOS_PlayerReports_GameInstance@@AEAAXVFString@@00@Z)
unresolved external symbol __imp_EOS_Reports_SendPlayerBehaviorReport referenced in function "private: void __cdecl UEOS_PlayerReports_GameInstance::ReportPlayer(class FString,class FString,class FString)" (?ReportPlayer@UEOS_PlayerReports_GameInstance@@AEAAXVFString@@00@Z
Yes. I do have the modules added to the *.build.cs file
Edit: It says the file is located at <game_name_folder>/Intermediate/Project Files and when i go looking there i don’t see the .cpp.obj file - would that be the cause of the error @3dRaven