I have a C++ training project that I would like to develop under Linux.
I compiled unreal-engine 4.26.1 under ArchLinux modifying this PKGBUILD: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/unreal-engine
Then I generated the project file with the command: /opt/unreal-engine/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe -Project="/ShootThemUp/ShootThemUp.uproject" Development Linux -Game ShootThemUp -Engine -ProjectFiles
Building a project compiles the entire unreal-engine.
Is it possible to compile C++ projects for Linux without compiling the entire unreal-engine for the second time?
Try using this command :
/opt/unreal-engine/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/Linux/Build.sh Development Linux -Project="$(pwd)/ShootThemUp.uproject" -TargetType=Editor -Progress -NoHotReloadFromIDE
for the .uproject file path, it’s recommended to use your absolute file path (that’s why I have put the environment variable $(pwd)).
I use this command to build my C++ files under an Unreal Engine project under Linux Ubuntu, and it builds only the non built files, no need to compile the entire Unreal Engine
Hope this helps you
1633 modules for my little project looks strange =) I think this command compiles unreal-engine too.
I’m sorry. A version that has been packaged and installed through the package manager does result in unreal-engine recompilation. If I execute UnrealBuildTool from the directory where unreal-engine compiled, everything happens as it should.