C++ project does not open in Visual Studio

I am following the Programming Quick Start Guide. On this step:

“This will automatically create a simple, blank project with only essential C++ code in the solution, and it will automatically open inside both the Unreal Editor and Visual Studio.”

when I create the blank project, it opens in Unreal Editor, and opens a command prompt to
C:\Program File (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\BuildTools> but Visual Studio does not open.

If I close the Editor and open the existing project, it does not bring up the command prompt or Visual Studio at all.

When I go to File > Open Visual Studio it just opens the command prompt but not Visual Studio.

Visual Studio 2017 is installed with C++ and Unreal Engine components.

This is weird and have never seen behavior like this before. Can you open up the Visual Studio .sln file direction from your project folder?

Run the project from Visual Studio after opening it? I’m a little confused by your question. Going to need a video to understand what’s going on.

Yes, the .sln file can be opened directly in Visual Studio.

Try reading my original question it explains exactly what is going on. The quickstart guide claims that Visual Studio will automatically open. It doesn’t. The File menu has an option “Open in Visual Studio”. It doesn’t work.

I read it. I’ve never seen that behavior before.

Also if I double click on a C++ Class it tries to open in Visual Studio but gets stuck with the same result, says ‘Loading Visual Studio’ forever in the lower right but only opens a command prompt.

Yup I’ve never seen this before. I tested on my project 4.25 and it opens in VS directly. I’m not sure how this feature works in the background but it’s always been a bit flakey. You can just open up Visual Studio and navigate to it. I would log this as a bug (Unreal Engine Community) and move on (as long as you can make code changes, build and run). Maybe someone here knows how to fix it.

I have the build tools installed in 2020 and still get the same error in UE Version: 4.25.1-13594126+++UE4+Release-4.25 with the 2019 visual studio build tools version.

Ways to replicate:
1.Install visual studio build tools
2.Install UE
3.Install visual studio community edition

I get this exact same behavior. Did you find a solution for this?

I had this same problem and I found the solution! You need to open up the Visual Studios Installer, go to your version of Visual Studios and choose modify, then when you select the package for Unreal C++ games development, make sure you check and install both the Unreal Engine Launcher and the Cocos. I’m guessing it’s the Unreal Engine Launcher that actually fixed it, but I added both of those and then it worked. If this doesn’t fix it, you might want to go into Editor Preferences in Unreal and make sure you have the correct version of Visual Studios selected. Hope this helps!

This can happen if you installed build tools separately from VS. If you open Visual Studio installer and see something like Visual Studio Community 2019 (2), note the parens and number after the name, there’s your issue.

I didn’t do much troubleshooting other than uninstalling build tools and VS and reinstalling VS only. There might be a way to do it without uninstalling, I didn’t have the patience to find it.

Also, as @mentions, make sure you click on Game Development with C++ and check Unreal Engine Launcher.


This is the correct solution. Remove the build tools that you’ve installed separately. Thanks @coderhaus


A minor precision: in Visual Studio installer, select Modify of your VS installation and go to section ‘Game development with C++’, the option which needs to be checked is ‘Unreal Engine Installer’ - see Setting Up Visual Studio for Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 4.27 Documentation

Go to Editor Preferences->Source Code. Then change the source Editor. note, you may have to delete the Intermediate folder