Run 4.8.2 from launcher.
Make new empty c++ project, no starter content.
Run it. Add a pawn class using c++ class wizard.
Quit and open in vs2013.
Build debuggame editor.
Press f5.
Breakpoints do not work.
If you copy pdb to C:\Program Files\Unreal Engine\4.8\Engine\Binaries\Win64 folder it works fine.
How do I fix this so that when I build/run it finds correct pdb’s?
Thanks for report! I’ve assigned a member of our support staff to this issue, and they’ll post here as soon as they can if they have any questions for you.
I found that adding pawn to level does trigger breakpoints as expected. However setting class as default pawn class did not trigger any breakpoints. This bug has been reported (UE-19205) for investigation.