C++ Plugin Distribution: Packaging


I Want to develop a C++ plugin.

I packaged the plugin from a mac machine:

I see that it generated only HTML5 iOS Mac binaries (well HTML5 was 1 more than I expected :wink: ).

I’m intending to make the plugin for all Platforms (well atleast to add up Windows and Android to the existing).

As far as I read in Rules I see that I have to delete all the Generated files in a build directory starting with “UE4”

(for me all of them are).

So I am assuming that after I will upload the plugin to MarketPlace than Epic will generate all the needed binaries by
themselves ? (using the WhiteListPlatforms tag?

Is that true ? or do I have to make additional Voodoo so the plugin will be available for all platforms ?

Thanks In Advance,


Epic will build your plugin on their end using the whitelist in your uplugin file. You don’t upload binaries, only source and Epic will take care of the rest.