C++ Only - Prevent projectile from colliding with player (Instigator)

Hi, I’ve looked all over the place for an answer, haven’t found anything straight forward, or anything that actually works the way I need it to… What I am trying to do is: In C++ only , no blueprints, make my projectile ignore my player’s capsule component, as well as other projectiles. I simply want to be able to fire my projectile and destroy it if it hits a wall or other world object. I have tried IgnoreActorWhenMoving(Instigator) and a few other things that simply didn’t make sense. I’m transitioning over from 5 years of C# in Unity3D so this is definitely a learning curve for me. Is there a way I can add tags to each class, and ignore collision between tags or layers?

void AProjectile::OnOverlap(AActor* OtherActor, UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComponent, int32 OtherBodyIndex, bool bFromSweep, const FHitResult& Hit)
	//If OtherActor != Instigator, or if OtherActor / Component doesn't belong to player firing the projectile, destroy this.
	//If actor IS player, ignore collision, only destroy if projectile hits another player or wall.

what if you just simply change your collision preset to ignore all except World_Static??

I’d like to try this, could you point me towards some C++ documentation on it?

A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums :: take a look at projectile creation and how to use the custom collision channel

more doc to collision channel/response ::