C-Media Advanced Material Pack Edition 2

Hi Charles,

I purchased your material yesterday, so I have been playing with it today :slight_smile: I was wondering why the Diplacement ViewDistance 0.07 is displaying
more displacement futheraway? Wouldnā€™t you need more displacement closer up to the camera and while futher away less displacement?
Also a question about those AO/gloss maps. Are those spec maps? How did you create them from which baseā€¦ texture did you use? Thank you.
Are small upgrades going to be free? if you example add detail normal maps? many Thanks!!

Hi Decorix, thanks for the purchase!

So the Tessellation View Distance label is sort of misleading and itā€™s something i may need to fix in my next update - 0 or negative values will make the tessellation fade out at further distances whereas higher values will make it fade out closer to the view. You can think of it more as a Fade Distance Threshold than view distance as it was before the update.

As for the AO i created them with BitMap2Materail for this particular pack and i created them from the Diffuse Texture - The AO map is actually the Alpha Channel of the Roughness texture.

And yes, all updates to my packs will be provided free for those who purchased them - I may release new packs that might have a newer method of achieving some of the materials in my other packs though as the Engine has new features released.

I dont get your new tesselation calculations.

  1. 0 dived with camera distance (0/distance) is always 0. So this calculation is useless here.
  2. As I see unreal has its own camera distance based tesselation calculation for landscape materials. So all you need to do is to change multiplier (default 1).

I canā€™t access the terrain tesselation. Can you PM me a new link?

All of my packs are located here - https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/profile/C-Media

The Tessellated Landscape pack is the 2nd one on the list and located here - https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/adv-disp-landscape-materials