C++ IsOverlappingActor always false and GetOverlappingActors always empty

I’m trying to place rooms into a persistent level using level streaming. When the rooms are loaded in I check if the triggerbox inside of the room is overlapping with any of the triggerboxes that are already in the level. This however always returns false and when I check if the triggerbox is overlapping anything it returns 0 other actors. Using blueprints this works so I don’t know why it doesn’t work here.
It gets all the correct triggerboxes but doesn’t find any overlaps.

void ALevelManagerCPP::BeginPlay()

	World = GetWorld();


void ALevelManagerCPP::BuildGame()


void ALevelManagerCPP::LoadStartingRoom()
	FLatentActionInfo LatentInfo;

	RoomLocation = FVector(0,0,0);
	RoomRotation = FRotator(0,0,0);
	bool Success;

	ULevelStreamingDynamic::LoadLevelInstance(World, StartingRoomName, RoomLocation, RoomRotation, Success);

void ALevelManagerCPP::LoadRoomsTypeA()
	TArray<FString> BackupNames = RoomNamesTypeA;
	int MaxIndex = RoomNamesTypeA.Num();
	while(MaxIndex > 0)
		FLatentActionInfo LatentInfo;

		UGameplayStatics::GetAllActorsOfClass(World, ATriggerBox::StaticClass(), Layout);
		UGameplayStatics::GetAllActorsOfClass(World, AExitPointCPP::StaticClass(), OpenExitPoints);

		int RoomIndex = FMath::RandRange(0, RoomNamesTypeA.Num() - 1);
		FString LevelToLoad = RoomNamesTypeA[RoomIndex];

		int ExitIndex = FMath::RandRange(0, OpenExitPoints.Num() - 1);
		AActor* ChosenExit = OpenExitPoints[ExitIndex];

		RoomLocation = ChosenExit->GetActorLocation();
		RoomRotation = ChosenExit->GetActorRotation();
		bool Success;

		//UGameplayStatics::LoadStreamLevel(World, LevelToLoad, true, true, LatentInfo);
		ULevelStreamingDynamic::LoadLevelInstance(World, LevelToLoad, RoomLocation, RoomRotation, Success);
		TArray<AActor*> LevelToLoadLayout;
		UGameplayStatics::GetAllActorsOfClassWithTag(World, ATriggerBox::StaticClass(), FName(*LevelToLoad), LevelToLoadLayout);

		bool Overlaps = false;
		for (auto TriggerBoxLevel : LevelToLoadLayout)
			for (auto TriggerBoxWorld : Layout)
					GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 15.0f, FColor::Red, "debug msg");
					Overlaps = true;

			UGameplayStatics::UnloadStreamLevel(World, FName(*LevelToLoad), LatentInfo, true);

I would check the basics then, check that TriggerBoxWorld is actually what you think it is and where you think it is. Make sure you have the collision channels set up correctly. Then maybe look at the source for IsOverlappingActor() and see if there’s anything within there to help you narrow your debug.

Also, I would avoid using UGameplayStatics::GetAllActorsOfClassWithTag. A better practice would be to pass in a reference to an array containing the actors. It’s just a safer design practice to ensure you know exactly what you’re getting.