I had a look (or two at it again and was finally able to display interstitial ads with the gameactivity.java file attached.
It preloads an ad in the oncreate function and every time after the ad is closed. This way I don’t get the delay from requesting to showing the ad. The ad itself displays everytime its called from custom blueprint node ShowIntAd.
I had some app crash on start up with error “In the JNI_OnLoad function” when I tried to add another FindMethod in AndroidJNI source files for my custom BP node. So so far I have to input the AdUnitId manually in the OnCreate function. Maybe some better solution comes up.link text
Hi spaceharry, how do you recompile the engine changes so that the new blueprint function appears ?.. Do I need to download the engine source from github ? Thanks
We can help you. Our plugin Universal Mobile Ads for iOS & Android is exactly what you need: Universal Mobile Ads for iOS & Android - Marketplace - Unreal Engine Forums It includes support for 15 ad networks (more coming soon) and Banners, Interstitials, Rewarded Videos. Plugin was released 2 years ago and was tested in many ways during this time. It’s stable, receives update every 1-2 months ,and we provide premium support.