C++ Inherit specific method of another Class

I have Class AA, which contains nonstatic method AA::Z (can not be static, the way I see it, as it calls GetWorld())

I need another Class AB to use this method from an object of that class (this specific method, I don’t need to inherit all of AA).

What I did:

class MY_API AA : public AActor

bool AA::Z();

and then

class MY_API AB : public AGameState, private A // this seems to be the problem

using AA::Z;

This doesn’t really work. And I’m not sure if it is possible in UE4. So my question is, should I dig deeper and in what direction, or should I just rewrite (AA::Z) - make it static, so I could call it from any blueprint without inheritance and make it recieve result of GetWorld() within method parameters? Second method is possible in this case, but I might need to use such inheritance in future.
