C++ How to cast Data Blueprint Parent class with changed variables?

Hi everyone,
I really hope you can help me out.
The core problem is: I have a Data Blueprint with MyClass as Parent. I just can’t get it cast back to MyClass with the changed variables. I’m stuck somewhere at:

MyClass* MC = Cast<MyClass>(Blueprintclass->ParentClass.Get()->StaticClass());

The only thing that casts valid is Blueprintclass->ParentClass.GetDefaultObject() but without my changed values in the Blueprint. Please help me out!

I finally found the Solution!

UBlueprint* BlueprintAsset = Cast<UBlueprint>(AssetsList*.GetAsset());
if (BlueprintAsset)
	TSubclassOf<AWeapon> SubclassOfWeapon = BlueprintAsset->GeneratedClass;

You can read more about it here: