Hello community.
I am new at Unreal Engine with C++. So I got a newbie question for you.
I Am trying to make my character move in multiplayer and I got this function:
void ACMyPlayerController::OnPossess(APawn* InPawn)
if (InPawn)
MyPawn = Cast<ACMyCharacter>(InPawn);
if (!MyPawn)
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Possessed pawn is not of type ACMyCharacter"));
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("InPawn is null in OnPossess"));
void ACMyPlayerController::EnhancedInputMovement(const FInputActionInstance& Instance)
// My code for movement
const FRotator ControlRot = FRotator(0,GetControlRotation().Yaw,0);
const FVector RightMovement = UKismetMathLibrary::GetRightVector(ControlRot);
const FVector ForwardMovement = UKismetMathLibrary::GetForwardVector(ControlRot);
const FVector2d inputVector = Instance.GetValue().Get<FVector2d>();
MyPawn->AddMovementInput(RightMovement, inputVector.X);
MyPawn->AddMovementInput(ForwardMovement, inputVector.Y);
It does not work unless I change MyPawn for GetPawn() like this:
void ACMyPlayerController::EnhancedInputMovement(const FInputActionInstance& Instance)
// My code for movement
const FRotator ControlRot = FRotator(0,GetControlRotation().Yaw,0);
const FVector RightMovement = UKismetMathLibrary::GetRightVector(ControlRot);
const FVector ForwardMovement = UKismetMathLibrary::GetForwardVector(ControlRot);
const FVector2d inputVector = Instance.GetValue().Get<FVector2d>();
GetPawn()->AddMovementInput(RightMovement, inputVector.X);
GetPawn()->AddMovementInput(ForwardMovement, inputVector.Y);
I am trying to get the Pawn outside the input, because isnt it inefficient to call GetPawn() every frame in the input?
I mean getting the pawn from OnPossess works for the server but not for the clients.
I also have this functions if you want more info.
// This function is Reliable and Server side
void ACMyPlayerController::SR_SpawnPlayer_Implementation(ACMyPlayerController* playerController)
if (HasAuthority())
ACMyGameModeBase* myGameMode = Cast<ACMyGameModeBase>(GetWorld()->GetAuthGameMode());
if (myGameMode)
void ACMyGameModeBase::SpawnPlayer(ACMyPlayerController* PlayerController)
if (!PlayerController)
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("PlayerController is null in SpawnPlayer"));
if (AActor* Pawn = PlayerController->GetPawn())
if (BPPlayerPawn)
UClass* BPClass = Cast<UClass>(BPPlayerPawn);
if (BPClass && BPClass->IsChildOf(APawn::StaticClass()))
if (APlayerStart* RandomPlayerStart = FindRandomPlayerStart())
FTransform Transform = RandomPlayerStart->GetActorTransform();
if (APawn* PlayerPawn = GetWorld()->SpawnActor<APawn>(BPClass, Transform))