why does no one post answers, everyone is posting comments
isnt there supposed to be like, 5 or 6 answers or something thats why they have the counter?/metric
ok so:
WINDOWS 10, which i hope you’re using.
Uses NTFS journal style file format, it allows whatever cluster size so you don’t have to stick with the 1990’s cluster sizes.
64K is a good place to start and blah blah blah good luck finding people talking about it.
mine is set to 1MB clusters which means a 640K jpeg on my drive will occupy 1MB of space.
its M.2 so i was like why not. i could set it to 2MB.
since it’s journaled, you can fix it anytime you want if there’s a partition after it.
go to WINDOWS key then type in “manage” and you will get Computer Management app
load that and then go to Disk Management on the left side
open that window up wide and write a complaint to Bill Gates that everything always loses its persistence all the time.
and windows is sloppier than pigs in summer heat.
mine is installed to C because microsoft are idiots and more or less forced that then its risky if you try to change it
though it can be done
IF YOU have another partition after it, you can MOVE EVERYTHING off of that partition
a SSD drive of a decent size is like $60 from samsung man the NVME2? its not the m.2 its the other ones
samsung has ALWAYS put out the cheapest best products
once the partition is clear remove it, click on the operating partition. then resize it to whatever you want.
mine is set to 48GB right now and windows is throwing a ******* fit so i have to change it
i allowed room for windows updates and its still throwing a fit because apps still keep trying to write to it
bill gates has the absolute worst idea of how to separate files and folders into useable things
ok? so seriously - i do want to know - how to get UNREAL to stop complaining about user storage
i tried looking around for the settings but i cant find it
it says theres 640MB left in user settings and every time i load it up from pinned to task bar it says both the errors
its real annoying
my breakout is TWO m.2 drives at 500GB each, i wanted to raid stripe them but windows would not let me
so its OPERATIONS at 48GB then personal storage at 225GB and temporary space at 192GB
then the other drives is APPLICATIONS at 338GB which was boosted due to problems
and then file storage for business documents and assets and stuff which is 128GB
then i have 2 ssd drives at 500GB each that are striped so i have 500GB of “warehouse storage” which is somewhat of a backup!
my backup is going onto a file server which will be my home automation hub and that will get 8 1TB drives for 4TB of backup storage on raid mirror
this all seems to be inline with what you are experiencing being new to unreal engine
i hope any of this “dissertation of obviousness” is useful as you seem to have more of a problem than just your actual complaint
literally get some drives man and dont get the mechanical stuff
and dont leave anything on just one of anything ever just dont start stupid or youll be stupid 20 from now
speaking of stupid, i have to cut and paste this then log in again to post this - fabulous.
this isnt even something epic made its from another company and its an actual product