Hi everyone,
I’m trying to detach a component, or just to attach it to another component. Unfortunately, whatever I do, this causes the editor to crash in PIE…
When I try to detach the component, I check if it exists :
if (temp->AttachParent != nullptr)
And I got this error :
Assertion failed : !bRegistered || AttachParent->AttachChildren.Contains(this)[File:D : \BuildFarm\buildmachine_++depot + UE4 - Releases + 4.7\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\SceneComponent.cpp][Line:1093]
Attempt to detach SceneComponent ‘Cube’ owned by ‘Actor_0’ from AttachParent ‘Group_0’ while not attached.
Adn when I try to attach the component to another component, the editor just freeze and never get an error logs or whatever usefull crash logs.
Does anyone know what I am doing wrong ?