So I made a c++ class (AActor’s child with SkeletalMesh component and simple collision), and it worked fine. I made a bunch of BlueprintCallable functions and they worked fine for the time being. But today two of them were “warning-red”, with editor telling me that in use (input) pins don’t exist on nodes (and one of the two problematic functions could not be found at all).
Now, one of the functions is still accessible, through the version, that was before some the changes were made to it in c++ file (the most visible one - input parameters names’). So I assume that editor somehow is trying to access outdated version of the class? Is that a thing?
Renaming both functions in c++ and compiling makes them visible and proper up until the next editor relaunch. After that - same stuff.
The only big change I can think of is adding a Damage related Dynamic Multicast Delegate to my Character subclass and overriding TakeDamage() function. CustomCharacter.h is included in the .cpp file of the class that is a parent of buggy blueprints.
Any insights on what might be causing the problem and how to solve it?
Update: the whole project seem to behave that way. Adding new function causes it to be invisible to the editor after restart.