I’ve been working on a multiplayer FPS, and in my game there is a type of projectile which will stick into players, like an arrow.
These arrows use physics, they are using a vertical root capsule collider, and then turned horizontal after spawning. Projectile movement component’s “Rotation Follows Velocity” would keep them vertical in flight. These projectiles also use Continuous Collision Detection (CCD) physics because they move so quickly, some of them get lost through walls occasionally.
Every tick while in flight, this projectile does a short trace forwards to check if the front will hit a stickable surface.
After long hours of trial and error, I’ve managed to get my projectile to ignore the capsule collider around the player, and trace/hit the skeletal mesh (or perhaps physics asset), which returns a proper bone name and hit info.
The crash occurs seemingly at random, but always occurs when a projectile hits a surface. Rapid-firing seems to make the crash happen sooner.
My editor crashes with no callstack or log info, and while debugging the editor in VS I get the following error message in the screenshot.
I’ve also included the function I use to stick projectiles to surfaces in the screenshot.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Please let me know if you need any further information from me.
PS. If anyone is going to use this code, please note that the “Rotate to face surface” section does not seem to be working. Although using the “GetLookAtRotation” node in blueprint does work.