C++ Construction Script Doesn't Reload When Spline Component Is Edited

I create my spline component in my constructor:

Spline = CreateDefaultSubobject<UImprovedSplineComponent>(TEXT("Spline"));
// Create a dummy root object
RootComponent = CreateDefaultSubobject<USceneComponent>(TEXT("Root Component"));

And then, in my construction script, I generate SplineMeshComponent objects based on that spline, and then register components:

USplineMeshComponent* SplineMesh = ConstructObject<USplineMeshComponent>(USplineMeshComponent::StaticClass(), this);
SplineMesh->CreationMethod = EComponentCreationMethod::UserConstructionScript;
// A bunch of code here to set the mesh, location, rotation, etc.

When I edit a variable (choose a different mesh, switch a boolean, etc) the construction script updates. But if I only move a point on the spline, the construction script doesn’t update and while my spline changes, the track I’ve generated for it does not.

Is there something I need to hook up so that editing my spline re-constructs my mesh?

Take a look at PostEditChangeProperty here