C++ class in plugin not loading and unusable

Hi there,

I’ve created a plugin for a camera class for use in my projects. There are two classes, a CameraPreset that derives from a UObject, which is just some data for the camera, and CameraPluginComponent which derives from the UCameraComponent.

Both classes are visible in the editor and can be created or added to an actor respectively, and will work until the editor is closed down. When opening the editor again, it seems the classes arent being loaded correctly. I get the following warnings in the log.

Failed to load /Script/BGF.BGFCameraComponent Referenced by SCS_Node_1
Failed to load /Script/BGF.BGFCameraPreset Referenced by TreeRoot
Failed to load /Script/BGF.BGFCameraPreset Reference by PackageMetaData

If I include the the BGFCameraComponent class inside a c++ inside my project, it solves the problem. This is not an ideal solution though obviously as the plugin is not standalone anymore. It seems like the class definitions from the plugin aren’t loading correctly.