April 6, 2022, 7:03pm
i need to make a copy of the playerarray to sort it. but i need to cast to a my custom playerarray class. i tried the following:
AGameStateBase* gamestate = UGameplayStatics::GetGameState(GetWorld());
LocalArray.Sort([](const TObjectPtr<ACppErstlingPlayerState>& A, const TObjectPtr<ACppErstlingPlayerState>& B)
return A->PlayerScore < B->PlayerScore;
but it does not compile. the error is C2664. it is because of the StaticCast. How would i do it right?
April 6, 2022, 10:44pm
Don’t. While you can use reinterpret_cast<> to cast one type to another irrespective of what it is, it is incredibly unsafe to do so - especially on an array of pointers where you can’t garauntee each entry is of the correct type.
Since you are creating a copy anyway and sorting it, it makes much more sense to just create a different array of the required type and insert the elements in order. This will be faster and safe. I haven’t tested the following, but it should work:
TArray<AMyPlayerState*> MyArray;
for (APlayerState* Player : GameState->PlayerArray)
if (AMyPlayerState* MyPS = Cast<AMyPlayerState>(Player))
const int32 Score = MyPS->Score;
int32 InsertIndex = MyArray.Num() - 1;
while (InsertIndex > 0 && MyArray[InsertIndex]->Score > Score)
MyArray.Insert(MyPS, Index);
For completions sake, here is what a reinterpret_cast would look like - but I say it again just as a disclaimer, you absolutely should not do it:
const TArray<OtherType*>& ArrayCast = reinterpret_cast<const TArray<OtherType*>&>(Array);
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April 8, 2022, 4:32pm
Thank you. I tried the casting method
But something was not right, so i did the proper method.
I noticed that the line
while (InsertIndex > 0 && MyArray[InsertIndex]->Score > Score)
should be
while (InsertIndex > 0 && MyArray[InsertIndex - 1]->Score > Score)
i think.
April 10, 2022, 3:43pm
Ah should probably have started as Num() - 1 actually, edited the post
April 10, 2022, 4:37pm
i think it would be better to subtract one like i mentioned. otherwise the second element is always inserted before the first. or am i wrong?