[C++][Blueprint] Main menu and in game menu with basic game, graphics, controls and audio settings

Give me time to try if have problems, i will look at it tomorrow, is public holiday here today :slight_smile:

Sweet thanks man.

I can confirm the plugin work fine with 4.12 :slight_smile:

Yep it seems so it was the substance plugin that was giving me grief i had to disable it to be able to rebuild my project.

Hi @Parvan

You could also include the nickdarnell’s LoadingScreen. It seems quite interesting.
If you really think about engaging in this project.
Please, Let me know

Sure, that seems easy to put in place. I will look into it. I actually wasn’t aware of that plugin. Thanks for pointing it out.

Can you edit this menu without going in the C++?

I don’t have Visual Studio installed.

I can’t get it to build on 4.12 (Launcher Build of engine, not source build). It’s telling me that the plugin isn’t for 4.12. I think it’s old and probably we need a deticated 4.12 version. Using a plugin for 4.10 on 4.12 is like running a DOS app on Windows 8.1/10.

The plugin dont work in 4.12.5, the ui dont appear :confused:

Please update :slight_smile:

This example is old and unstable and everytime a new version of the engine pop up i have problems with plugins, i strongly suggest to replicate the plugin function into a blueprint with the use of “Get Game User Settings” node and all the other nodes.

I’m sorry but i don’t have time to convert my C++ plugin into Blueprints for you :frowning:

This is awesome thanks for sharing!


I expanded on your menu system! Thanks for the template. (The major addition is the AdvancedSessions plugin)


I also included Nick Darnell’s LoadingScreen plugin as you suggested.

I’ve been bug testing it for a few weeks. Hopefully I’ve got most of the major kinks worked out. For help or bug reports, please respond to the forum post on the link above. (You can use a guest account if you don’t feel like registering.)

If anyone wants to help with the project, send me a message.

Hi @Parvan, @ZioYuri78 Exellent work!!!

Thanks Mordentral, Rama, Parvan, The Tune Peddler, ZioYuri78, Nick Darnell

So I’ve been busy doing other things so i finally got back to the main menu and i just wanted to show you guys some think cool, this version of the menu has a lot of improvements it has 4 types of buttons which work in the same way as the radio buttons do, it also has a lobby and a server list, this menu is was made with dedicated servers in mind, also we added a overall quality button which changes all the settings at once.
@ZioYuri78 thanks for this template it saved us some time overall.

Great work @Parvan and @OverRated_AU :slight_smile:

After reading that comment i gave it a crack and I converted all the game settings to use blueprint nodes, then copied the content folder to a blank project and moved to using Rama’s victory plugin for the rebinding so my project is back to being only blueprint for now lol, the only thing i lost was the auto detect but theres probably away to do this in Blueprint as well if not its no biggy thanks again.

this looks pretty nice !!
is this for your game only, or is this free for everybody. Could really use it :wink:
kind regards

So, I downloaded the project and wanted to study some of the stuff. However, since I’m a noob can someone tell me what is not working? I think every button works in PIE, do things break when I build the project?

Nevertheless, thanks for this huge gift, I peaked into some of the blueprint stuff and learned a ton already <3.

So is this stable and acceptable for 4.13?
Im looking for something that will work with what i have. The Cardinal system broke my entire widget system and i ended up having to remove the Cardinal menu out of the project entirely. I was certainly not happy about it, but, any other system (advanced social and inventory system) would lose functionality (entirely) when adding in the menu. Removal and it would magically start working …

but, back to the topic at hand … does this setup work with 4.13 and is it able to be implemented into current projects? Can i use the same cast to system that i am using for my social system?

I read the implementation, it’s a really simple plug-in, code is well documented. It’s just making a Blueprint Library, the only way you could break it, is when Epic uses same names or rewrites the functions or is my way of thinking 2 easy?