[C++][Blueprint] Main menu and in game menu with basic game, graphics, controls and audio settings

error post

For reference, are you using the project example or the plugin + contents stuff? Which version of UE4?

Is your MasterSound sound class like this?

Yes it is, it happens both on project, and content +plugins.

Basically till you hit apply it will only change the volume for current sounds.

Like, if I have background music and I lower the volume in the menu…then music gets lower.

But if I start a new music cue with the same soundclass volume is reverted to the one I had before hitting apply.

Ok, now i have understood, i need to try myself and look on what happen, hope to have time soon, keep patience :slight_smile:

Gave it another look, the interaction between the master channel and the children channels…seems odd.

I started to create a server list base on the MultiplayerShootout template.


@OverRated_AU looking good :slight_smile:

Another question, what you mean with “But if I start a new music cue with the same soundclass”? You mean if you do it in game at runtime? Have you tried with a packaged project?

Can you post a picture of the blueprint where you change music (if you change it in game)?

That looks pretty good, care to share when you are done ? :smiley:

Hi, Sorry to say this is migrated into my project so shearing it would be to hard as i would have to break it off from a lot of other blueprints.

thank you so much for sharing your work. I am learning a lot thanks to you and this awesome community.
Have a beautiful day!

I’m looking into this. Thanks for your hard work, you used really clean methods!

What credits would you like? Do you want anything else like a legal name on it?
So far I have…

Main Menu by ZioYuri78
[C++][Blueprint] Main menu and in game menu with basic game, graphics, controls and audio settings.

Made with the help of:
Persistent graphics settings in UE4 tutorial by Impetus Games
Rama’s UMG rebindable key system
Archeo’s UMG Radiobuttons tutorial

I’ve got it working fairly well. I have an issue with the key rebinding system.

When I click on Settings -> Controls: The key mapping is correct but the mapping name is sorted in alphabetical order.

When I apply defaults the order is correct.

Is there something going on with GetAllActionKeybindings? It looks like the pairing generated by that is sorting the key mapping name in a different order than index 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on? Maybe I’m mistaken. I haven’t investigated too far. I checked the blueprints though and couldn’t find anything there.

Thanks! This project you made is awesome!

How controls show after clicking defaults. (This is what they should look like)

How they appear on game load. (The key mapping name is sorted alphabetically? Strange)


Default binds are correct.

I’m going to compile the project to see if the order on the input controls menu is fine outside the editor.

Edit: It still does the same thing even in a built copy. The input controls order is sorted by alphabetical.

It looks like the alphabetical order is something the engine is doing now? My order keeps changing inside Project Settings -> Input to alphabetical on its own. I’m putting the bindings in the default binds array alphabetically and trying it again.

It still doesn’t work correctly in the editor with two multiplayer players under the same process. I’m building the game again and I will try it as a stand alone to see if the problem fixes itself. I’ll let you all know what happened.

Don’t worry about credits form, do it how you want :slight_smile:

I will look into rebind system issue when i will have some time, meanwhile you can ask to Rama here.


I will ask Rama. I understand what it’s like to be busy. If I discover a solution I will post it here in case others have a similar issue. It will probably be a while as I’ve moved onto other parts of the project. Thanks

I see someone else posted a similar issue with the key rebinding system in Rama’s thread.

I ended up hot loading the saved game settings by putting the player menu access button inside the player controller and then calling a custom event which reloads all the settings instead of using GameInstance. I’m putting this here for other’s reference in case they are brainstorming solutions.

I accept the owl background on the Menu as praising. You may pass Son/Daughter/Hooman.

I’m going to share a version with Steam and LAN online subsystem. I’m adding a lot of features to expand this. I hope to get it shared by July. Most of it is done.

Find Games, Friends List, Host Game, Local Split Screen, Dynamic Credits (Using Arrays So they are easier to edit), a 3d Start Screen, and a Web Browser Widget.

Sounds good most of those features i already have but i focused more on a dedicated server based menu, seeing that’s what my game going to use, I based my code of the shootout template, i also removed the credits into a extras sub-menu.

@ZioYuri78 is there a way i can compile this for 4.12? or do i have to wait for a update.