[C++][Blueprint] Main menu and in game menu with basic game, graphics, controls and audio settings

Any news here already ?

I’m working on other stuff in these days, need time to find the best solution without broke everything, probably i will convert the project as a template, in this way you can add it to an existing project.


If you want you can create three Blueprint Function Library C++ class in your project and copy/paste the code, after this migrate the MainMenu widget and InGameMenu widget to your project and fix all the things.

Added a link to only Plugin and Content zip files and a description on how to integrate these in your existing project (look at the second post).

I’m sure @3HMonkey will be happy :slight_smile:

Amazing news Sir!!! Youre the best !! :slight_smile:

Updated the Project Example link, sorry guys, i made a mistake with sharing option, now you don’t need to send me a request :slight_smile: but please verify and tell me if now is ok.

I thought you want to track the number of downloads this way :slight_smile:

From 4.11 release notes

Good news, i will look into this and update the project to 4.11 version in next days :slight_smile:

In 4.11, I’m getting this error on package/launch:

LogProperty:Error: Struct type unknown for property 'StructProperty /Game/GameMenu/UI/MainMenu/DetailsPanels/ControlsSettingsDetails.ControlsSettingsDetails_C:SetDefaultsBinds.K2Node_MakeArray_Array.K2Node_MakeArray_Array'; perhaps the USTRUCT() was renamed or deleted?LogWindows:Error: Windows GetLastErr

Not sure if this is cause of some sort of corruption or not, but I’m not quite sure what array it’s even talking about :frowning:
Any ideas? :smiley:

Tried right now with 4.11 and work fine here, the array you are talking about is the array that contain the defaults key bindings, is a local variable and you can find it into the SetDefaultsBinds function in the “ControlsSettingsDetails” widget, go look if is empty or unlinked or something else.

It’s really weird, cause that variable looks fine, and I’ve tried:
-Duplicating variable and deleting original
-Instead of using an array, just have a mainmenulib variable, and deleting that local variable completely
-Cut connection from start of function, aka do nothing
-Replace old function with a completely new one

And none of these worked! :S I guess it’s some sort of corruption of some sort… sigh
I’ll probably just wait until your next update and replace all the stuff with your new stuff :smiley:
Thanks for your help!

EDIT: Aight, so when I never use the ControlsSettingsDetails widget at all, then the menu runs! So I guess I’ll just create a new details widget and hope it works! :smiley:

For reference, are you using my example project or only the Plugin+Contents in your own project?

Meanwhile, if i will have time, tomorrow i will upload my 4.11 migrated project to try, is the same project old project i tested today with 4.11. The new version with the 4.11 built-in GameUserSettings Blueprint node will be ready next week…i hope :o

I’m using the plugin+Contents :smiley:

Aight, so after rebuilding the new ControlsSettingsDetails widget by scratch, and then replacing the blueprint with your original one, it still gives me an error - so I quit. xD

I guess I’ll grab your new stuff and delete my own and replace! :slight_smile:
Thanks a bunch for the help!

EDIT: Ok even after deleting everything and getting your files, it still doesn’t work! Since it worked for you it must be some sort of problem with my project myself… I have absolutely no ideas now, other than the possibility of the problem being the plugin?

Ah ok, today i was tested only with complete project example, tomorrow i will try setup a test project and use plugin+content and look if i have the same issue, now i can’t because are 1:00AM here :smiley:

To be sure, have you included the plugin in your .build.cs public dependency?

WHATTT!!! IT WORKS! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: For some reason I thought I didn’t need to add that! I’m so stupid!!! :smiley:
Now I just need to redo everything I did yesterday since I deleted the assets, and I am in business!|
Sorry about causing all this fuss for no reason! :frowning: Thanks so much! :smiley:

Super happy you solved!

Don’t worry, is not a stupid mistake, i was cheated too by this error because it work fine in editor without include the plugin in .build.cs :o

Added a link to the 4.11 version of example project “As Is”, means it still have all the previous source code and it have the Susbstance plugin disabled in the .uproject file because it cause an error on compile.

The new version with 4.11 game user settings Blueprint nodes will come in the next days both for example project and plugin + contents.


Tested plugin + contents in 4.11 and work fine here, no need to upload a new updated version.

Awesome job! Thank you very much ZioYuri78. :slight_smile:

Allright so a little fix for cooking:

You need to change in the .uplugin
Type to Runtime
And LoadingPhase to PreDefault

“Name”: “MainMenuLib”,
“Type”: “Runtime”,
“LoadingPhase”: “PreDefault”

This will prevent crashes ; in my case dedicated server.


Edit, there’s something wrong with soundclasses.

If I put master to 0, but music to 50 I don’t hear music (as it should be).

If I put master to 0, but effects to 50, I do hear effects (as it should NOT be).

I must say tho, I’m only changing the slider, I am not applying and saving. And testing after applying.