C++ and UE4 veterans using hot reload?

Thanks for this hint.

I was already desperate on this and my workflow was to close the editor on every compile. Now going into C++ again and it is really annoying to close the editor for each compile, just to avoid any corruption. I have a lot of blueprint interaction, so I compile quite often and want to test, if things work. Costs time and system resources and ís a torture for the disk drive.

I will try to proceed with blueprint editor tabs closed for any possible affected blueprints as you suggest. I’m still not sure, if this will be a solution - still testing. For now it works. I did have corruptions with components only shown with a purple symbol on left in Components tab - only solution was to remove the component and redefine + set all parameters again…

If it is just some missing change that needs an editor restart (caused by adding new UFUNCTIONS/UPROPERTIES) - well, that’s not a real problem - just need to be sure that no data is lost.

But I had corruptions event with simple changes as well if I remember correctly. Still testing, how things go.

This thread makes me unsure.

The LiveCoding also sounds very interesting - need to check. But it is experimental - so should I trust some experimental thing if even stuff that’s in place since several years does not work?