C++ Actor placed in Editor but not rendered in-game

I’m just starting to fiddle with UE4. After a few headaches I’m finally having some fun with it :).

Now my question: I generated a new FPS Project and changed the DefaultProjectile from the Example to have a lifetime of 3000 seconds, then I checked if it collides with the player. If it does a log message is generated. When I spawn that Projectile using the gun in-game I see it and it collides with the player (log is shown). So far so good… Now I navigated to that Actor class in the Editor and placed it in my map. The editor shows it, I start the game but it’s not rendered. Still I can collide with it (log is shown again).

I don’t get the missing link between UWorld->SpawnActor (in the OnFire of my Character) and the Editor doing it? Any ideas?

There is the Hidden In Game flag that could be set for it. I’m not exactly clear on what you are trying to do but I would check that first.

When I flag that it’s gone. I can’t even run into the actor anymore. What I was trying to do: I wanted to create a simple ‘item’ (health pack or whatever). Placed from editor, you run into it, it changes your attributes. Because I started only a few days ago the projectile from the sample was what I had so I changed its behaviour. It works, but not if I place that actor in the editor. I can’t see it then…