Bunckers placing under the map, even when they show they will be on top

Anyone know how to fix the bunkers under the map? Is there any option to turn on to make the bunker go up, instead off under? In a real game, the bunkers have that extra layer to be up. In my game, that doesn’t happen. The bunker only goes on top, when the terrain if totally flat with the Grid. Regards. Thanks for the help. Z3RG

Hi Z3rg,

I did a search on this Forum for “Bunker” and found this bug report and this video.

Please upvote the bug report and add any additional info/screenshots/videos!

In this posts no one have a solution. But I see some maps, where that thing doesn’t happen

My first thought is that maybe these bunkers are only aligning with Fortnites grid system. (Turn on snapping, place, and move modular pieces. These pieces will snap to the Fotnite grid unless disabled in the WorldSettings tab.)

I wonder if those maps are more aligned with the grid.

I’d start experimenting by placing a tiny cube at the world origin (0,0,0) - if you throw a bunker down there, where is it located? If you raise your landscape above the origin, is it still snapping to the same location?

If I raise the landscape the bunker will be placed on top. But, as you can see in that video, the bunker have the extra structure to be placed in places where it will be placed under the map. For some reason. It doesn’t add that extra layer. It only place the top structure of the bunker. If you know what I mean

@Astrotronic, I think its only UEFN made terrain that has this… oversight

I will go and vote in the link you provided…oh I already have…