I am unable to place builds during gameplay. I am using Mutator zone linked to player spawner linked to class selector and team and inventory for teams. I have item granter grant resources to all players.
Steps to Reproduce
Open build menu
Try to place buidling material or building resource
Builds are RED
Builds cannot be placed anywhere in the island.
Expected Result
Expect to be able to build in my island
Observed Result
Unable to build whatsoever
Island Code
Additional Notes
Please let me know if there are any fixes on my end I can do as this is URGENT.
Thank you ! I look forward to seeing Hot Lava Zonewars listed on the Discover Tab one day!
Additionally I am using a camshaker blueprint in which the blueprint asset is dropped into my map to be called into a sequence. Could you share if a camshaker would cause this?
Looks like a mutator zone no build issue, do you have a giant mutator zone with Allow Building off ?.
To rule out standard devices check these places,
Island Settings - Allow Building & Allowed to Edit
Mutator Zones - Allow Editing & Allow Building
Teams Setting & Inventory - Allow Building
Class Designers - Allow Building
Thank you for your solution! I didnt realize there is a memory issue saying all of the sudden I was at 120,000 Memory in the Editor! I had to delete many areas on my map, and the building worked. Now I am able to build during gameplay.
Good work, that was your solution, thanks for the feedback, I totally forgot about the building cap !
Hit it once during a playtest when I was almost at 100k and couldn’t build anymore