I’m having an issue where building pieces appear to be in the correct position in UEFN. However; when in a test session the building pieces are not in the correct orientation. Not sure why this is happening.
@Endoproxy Thank you for your report! We would like to look into this further, would you be able to submit a bug report using the form available here? Fortnite Creative
Ok so after tinkering quite a bit since I could find no answers, I believe I have discovered the issue. Transform in UEFN either doesn’t work properly or is bugged. While transform is much faster than having to rotate each piece individually, snap nodes or some other object data isn’t transforming properly. So in short… it sucks to add to the tedium but don’t use it!
Mirroring through the transform tool works fine as long as the object that you’re mirroring isn’t already mirrored itself through the details tab. So what you can do after mirroring a group of objects with the transform tool is deselect the “mirrored” box in the details tab of any objects that were mirrored previously.
Thanks was getting discouraged as I’m trying to build out a massive city and having to do it piece by piece would have taken forever
You’re welcome! This issue had me confused for quite a while too.