I tried creating a new standard gear vr project as described in the documentation and Sam Deiter’s tutorial video, but I also tried building with arm64. It ran on my Note 5, but didn’t display the message prompting the user to insert the phone into the gear vr, instead it actually ran the game in mono view instead of stereo.
Also had an of issues with the build failing when switching between armv7 and arm64 after I had already built with armv7. To get it to work I closed the editor, deleted the Intermediate folder, and then it built normally.
New: Add new GearVR libraries to exclusion list for ARM64, x86, and x64 architectures (libraries not supplied for these)
Maybe that is what is going on?
We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will follow up.
I’m struggling with same issue, so post should be reopened.
Blank BP project, mobile, Scalable 3D, no starter content.
Pretty much basic GearVR project setup: GearVR manifest checked, SDK version changed to 21, all unnecessary plug-ins switched off, Support arm64 checked, Support armv7 unchecked - project runs as standard mobile application with single screen view.
Same project with same setup but armv7 checked instead (default option) runs as intended in multi-view VR mode.
Could you provide an example project that reproduces this issue so that I could take a closer look at how you have things setup? What device are you useing? What is the current OS being run on the device?
Hey, Rudy!
I’m using Galaxy S6 with Marshmallow 6.0.1 on it.
Test project is in the attachments.
Also, if both armv7 AND arm64 checked it won’t build at all with ‘Unknown error’. I’ve put Output log in the attachments as well.
I would also like to make a quick check. Have you made sure that you have setup your OSIG file? I have provide a link to some documentation for more information.
After doing some digging, this appears to be working as intended. ARM64 does not appear to currently be supported for Gear VR. As noted in the original post these libraries are not supplied. I hope that this information helps.
Do you know if there are plans to add ARM64 support so that Gear VR can run UE4 projects? I bought a Samsung S7 and a Gear VR HMD so that I could demo projects without a PC. Being able to hand someone a Gear VR HMD and have them experience a VR project is impressive and convenient. I hope you can let people at Epic that this is something developers want.