I’ve tried all fixes I have found through google (clearing the cache, checking the swarm logs, etc). I have all drivers of my computer up to date, have tried different versions of the engine, uninstalled / reinstalled, rebooting machine, checked that everything was unblocked through the firewall… absolutely everything I can think of.
The engine runs perfectly fine, the ‘play’ mode is flawless with no dropped frames, basically I see no reason why this would be happening. I’ve also tried in both blueprint and C++ modes (again, with a blank new project) with the same problems.
One thing to note: The swarm agent is not even starting during the texture streaming process, therefore I can’t even see logs to pinpoint a possible issue.
I’m new to the engine so I’m not too keen on the specific details but all possible fixes that I’ve read from others that have experienced this do nothing to remedy the problem. I left it run overnight last night and still nothing. It always hangs at 39%; right when it starts to build the texture stream.
Here’s a copy of my dxdiag; I’d appreciate any assistance most greatly in this. I’d LOVE to use this engine but without the ability to build that’s obviously not possible. I’d be happy to provide any additional items that may be helpful in diagnosing the problem (I’m new to the engine but not to engines in general so I should be able to provide whatever would be needed to help pinpoint the issue).
I also just tried packaging, got some useful(?) errors this time. I double checked that incredibuild was installed and the file it was looking for is present / in the correct place and it is.
You sir (or ma’am. hard to tell by username), are a godsend.
Once you pointed that out I was able to find that incredibuild wasn’t running (or starting at all). I had turned it off from msconfig a long time ago and totally forgot. Enabled it and everything is working fine.
By the way, I’d love to NOT be running incredibuild. I looked up how to disable that (through the XML file) and implemented what they said but it still is running it. Would uninstalling incredibuild completely force Unreal not to use it? How were you able to not use it, I guess is a better question?
Did you have a look in the mentioned “xgConsole-2019.09.17-04.09.23.txt” ? I can’t help you with that, I don’t have incredibuild installed, it is not part of UE. UE uses it as far as I know - but I haven’t. Just to mention - TextureStreaming (which you can also disable) doesn’t have a thing to do with SwarmAgent as far as I know. SwarmAgend is a dedicated App for building static lighting in your scene.
I once had several problems packaging but it is years ago - it was UE tried to access/write files in Programs Installation folder and I normaly don’t work with administrative rights on my computer - so I needed to give my user account fullAccess on the UE InstallDir - but I guess this is long time solved and should not be your problem. But maybe - if you’re not an Administrator, just try to run UE Build Process with elevated privileges. whish you the best
Thank you for the kind words - glad I could help I’m using UE for several years with BP only projects and C++ - and I have never used incredibuild. So if you deinstall it, UE will work just fine. If you can disable it’s use by UE when it is installed - I can’t tell you for sure.
you should put the following into
%APPDATA%\Roaming\Unreal Engine\UnrealBuildTool\BuildConfiguration.xml
Hope this works for you. I’ve converted the comment to an answer - if it works for you feel free to mark it as accepted answer that the issue is marked as solved cheers, “Sir” Adnoh
I did actually try that fix you posted, it still is running it apparently (by the errors I was having). I NEVER use it though, so maybe I’ll uninstall and see what happens. Worst case scenario I’ll just need to reinstall.
I appreciate your time and effort very much! I went through my first tutorial set yesterday and already love this engine <3
Made a simple scene in just a few hours with no prior knowledge of the engine; that’s saying a lot!
Hehe No Problem. I know how it’s to Start with a new Tech and have a Blocker right in the way. Scene Looks good, Being curious what you come Up with. Plenty of good Tutorials Out there, as Long as you don’t need to Dive deep, then it get’s a little thin. If the question solved, please Mark my answer so the Ticket ist closed cheers and have fun