Should I “build lighting” when using ray-tracing?
Because I have a feeling that my reflection are not showing up on my metallic materials even with a reflection probe in the scene?
Ray tracing is (usually at least?) real-time, not baked.
That said if your reflection captures are not using Raytracing and/or your materials are falling back on reflection captures, then building reflection captures May help…
There is also a general fallback for when no reflecrion capture provides a texture I believe. But generally if you are using properly set raytracing reflections those aren’t required. They act as a fallback for when raytracing is disabled if you build for it.
The important part is this one, and you can control those settings via a post process volume:
For every material and pixel, that have a roughness lower than what is set in “Max Roughness” will use raytraced reflections, materials/pixels with roughness above that will use reflection captures. It´s for performance reasons, and noise reduction, that usually comes with very rough materials and low samples for raytraced reflections.