Build hangs 90 seconds before starting

Hi, I’m having issues with the swarm.

When I click “Build”, it hangs on this dialog for 90 seconds (using a timer). Then it builds the lighting.

Occasionally, if I click “Build” again relatively soon (5-10 seconds), I can “score a double” and the build happens straight away.


How can I make it start without this delay?
Or, how can I make the connection stay for hours (so I can repeatedly score a double.)

Here are the logs: Swarm Logs - 46f06a5c

It’s on a fresh install of windows 10 from this morning.

Thank you!

I’m using a source build and had to do two things:

  1. Open Swarm agent → Settings → Distrubituion → EnableStandaloneMode = True

  2. In Visual Studio, build the UnrealLightmass target

I also followed these instructions to create a Swarm Coordinator on localhost, but I dont think it was necessary.