Build error with method UMotionMatchingAnimNodeLibrary (Pose Search Plugin)

Hello everyone!
I have a problem with the build when using I’m UMotionMatchingAnimNodeLibrary::OverrideMotionMatchingBlendSettings (Pose Search Plugin #include "PoseSearch/MotionMatchingAnimNodeLibrary.h").
There is a piece like this in the BP (screen 1)

When I try to transfer it to the code, everything looks fine and the IDE (Rider) does not give errors

FMotionMatchingAnimNodeReference motionMatchingNode;
bool result;
UMotionMatchingAnimNodeLibrary::ConvertToMotionMatchingNodePure(Node, motionMatchingNode, result);

<...some code...>

FMotionMatchingBlueprintBlendSettings blendSettings;
bool isResultValid;
UMotionMatchingAnimNodeLibrary::OverrideMotionMatchingBlendSettings(motionMatchingNode, blendSettings, isResultValid);

But when I press the build button, I get an error

PlayerAnimInstance.cpp.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __cdecl FMotionMatchingBlueprintBlendSettings::FMotionMatchingBlueprintBlendSettings(void)" (??0FMotionMatchingBlueprintBlendSettings@@QEAA@XZ)

As if I do not have the necessary include, but this is not the case because other methods from this class are work: ConvertToMotionMatchingNodePure, GetMotionMatchingSearchResult, SetDatabasesToSearch
By the method of elimination, I found out that the build complains about this struct FMotionMatchingBlueprintBlendSettings. This struct is in the same path
I do not understand what include I am missing for the code to work.
Does anyone know what the problem could be?


That’s a linking error, just add the proper module in your .Build.cs and it solves this issue.

Try the module: PoseSearch


I’ll repeat. Other methods of this class UMotionMatchingAnimNodeLibrary work without build errors ( ConvertToMotionMatchingNodePure , GetMotionMatchingSearchResult , SetDatabasesToSearch). The error occurs only when adding this particular struct FMotionMatchingBlueprintBlendSettings

And of course I added it to the build. Otherwise nothing worked

did you solved the problem

Unfortunately no. Had to do it through BlueprintImplementableEvent in the BP


UFUNCTION(BlueprintImplementableEvent, Category = "Anim|Motion Matching", meta = (BlueprintThreadSafe))
void OverrideMotionMatchingBlendSettings(FMotionMatchingAnimNodeReference MotionMatchingNode);

thanks man, i either didn’t find the solution, i search everywhere and tried everything