After updating to 4.8, it seems as though the build configuration on Visual Express became corrupted, as my project originally refused to compile due to (it claimed) an incorrect bit configuration (x32 instead of x64). After fixing this, my project now builds successfully with the standard output, but no changes I make in my code are reflected in the game-- the editor still runs an old version of my code. I was hoping that someone would be able to give me the correct solution build configuration for x64 UE 4.8 (as I know the build options changed in this last update) to confirm whether or not this is in fact my problem, and also any additional insight that might shed some light on my situation.
I attempted to build the new 4.8 project, but I got
Win32 is not a supported platform for AmhranEditor. Valid platforms are Win64, Mac, Linux.
I opened the build configuration manager and set the game to build with DebugGame_Editor x64 and left the UE4 to build with BuiltWithUnrealBuildTool Win32
I built/rebuilt the the project with those settings, and it completed successfully with no warnings or errors.
No changes made to the code affect anything in the editor.
I found the solution after much trial and error. My Visual Express build configuration was altered (not by myself or another user) during the engine update. The correct solution configuration is Project: development_editor x64 and Engine: BuiltWithUnrealBuildTool x32.
It appears to be an engine bug/flaw that caused the configuration to be changed without notification and the reported successful build makes it very difficult to troubleshoot the problem. I’d recommend fixing this in the next build, but that’s just me.