Build APK for Quest 3 on UE 5.4.4

Hello there,

Since the latest upgrade of UE 5.4 (from 5.4.3 to 5.4.4), I’m not able to build an .apk for Quest 3 anymore. You should be able to repro with the default VR Sample of Unreal.

To setup my project, I’ve followed this tuto : https://Install for Meta Quest.

→ NB: The build was working in 5.4.3 ←

On the Android Studio side, I have the following components :

On the UE 5.4.4, I get this :

From the 5.4.3 to 5.4.4, the hotfixes mention :

But Meta Quest 3 supports only TargetSDK 32 maximum, accordingly to this :

Finally, when I launch an Android build on Unreal, here are the errors :

Plot twist : Context.RECEIVER_EXPORTED has been introduced in SDK 33.

I don’t really understand why/when/what is targetting the SDK 33 ?

Thank you in advanced for your time,