Build APK for Quest 3 on UE 5.4.4

Hello there,

Since the latest upgrade of UE 5.4 (from 5.4.3 to 5.4.4), I’m not able to build an .apk for Quest 3 anymore. You should be able to repro with the default VR Sample of Unreal.

To setup my project, I’ve followed this tuto : https://Install for Meta Quest.

→ NB: The build was working in 5.4.3 ←

On the Android Studio side, I have the following components :

On the UE 5.4.4, I get this :

From the 5.4.3 to 5.4.4, the hotfixes mention :

But Meta Quest 3 supports only TargetSDK 32 maximum, accordingly to this :

Finally, when I launch an Android build on Unreal, here are the errors :

Plot twist : Context.RECEIVER_EXPORTED has been introduced in SDK 33.

I don’t really understand why/when/what is targetting the SDK 33 ?

Thank you in advanced for your time,


Has anyone managed to build in 5.4.4 for Quest3 ?

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Got exactly the same problem, anyone got a solution?

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I am having the same exact issue here. I have tried everything. Seems to be 5.4.4 bug.



Did you ever figure this out?

Here are my settings:


I have deployed quest 3 apps - although it’s only packaged in development mode, not shipping.

Here’s a full run of the install process

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I can suggest a few solutions. Hopefully, they will be of help.

Option 1

So I saw one post suggesting that you need to just set the SDK API Level to “latest”. Feel free to give that a try first.

That same post linked the video that @paul_eckhardt linked as well and I ended up roughly following the uploader’s setup. It’s a long video but you can look at the video description as they provide the steps there.

I’ll share my Unreal Android SDK settings here as well in case it’s helpful.

Option 2

According to these two links below (looks like it’s the same user for both forums as usernames are similar), setting the Target SDK and SDK API Level to 34 will fix it.

Link 1: Community Tutorial: Unreal Engine 5.4.x for Meta Quest VR - #4 by antinnit?

Link 2: Re: What's going on? Can ANYONE build an Unreal En... - Meta Community Forums - 1236696

When using this option, it packaged successfully for me but when I use the Install.bat file, I got this error…

Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_OLDER_SDK: Requires newer sdk version #34 (current version is #32)

It was similar to an error another person got here.

I even verified and checked I had SDK 34 installed through Android Studio and checked I was on the latest firmware for Quest 3 but no luck. Your mileage may vary though.

Option 3

On that same forum, the OP mentioned switching to Meta’s Fork of Unreal 5.4.3.

Although I imagine you could just use the source version of Unreal’s 5.4.3 as well.

Links to their repos here.

Meta Fork 5.4.3

Unreal 5.4.3

If those GItHub links take you to a 404, double check you met the requirements listed here.

Yes. Keep Minimum SDK at 29, change Target SDK Version to 34. Set SDK API Level to latest, keep NDK API Level at android-29. Enjoy.

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Make sure to follow the updated instructions on this page: Unreal Engine 5.4.x for Meta Quest VR | Community tutorial

Thank you for your answer. It has helped me a great deal.