If this isn’t a bug, then I don’t see the logic behind it. It took me awhile to even figure this out.
If you set a material instance to the brush for an UMG image you would expect that to be the output for the image, but this is not the case if the color on the image is set to black. It totally overrides the information in the material. It was driving me crazy trying to figure out what was wrong with the material. It was not the material!
Color and opacity should be separated. Color should be disabled if you use a material brush. It doesn’t actually set the color as an override of the brush, but acts as a multiply image effect.
If it is working as “intended”, would you mind explaining to me what the intention was? I see no reason why you would ever want the color to override the brush, because if you did, you would just use the color.And besides that, it doesn’t even do that! It doesn’t use the color! It simply doesn’t show the brush if you have ANY other color than white.
Thank you for the information that you have provided above. I understand your concerns, however this appears to be working as intended. I would suggest making sure that the color (if it needs to be set) is set to white to prevent overriding the color in the material being used. I hope that this information helps.
I have provided an example below as to when you may want to use the color override. In the example that I have provided you will see the first person template’s cross hair. On the left you will see the original and on the right you will see (the one selected) that I have changed the color of the image using the color and opacity for that image. Now instead of having a cross hair that is red and white, I have one that is green and dark blue. Changing the color like this could be used for providing feedback to a player that they have hit a target (by quickly flashing between the two and back to the original color). I hope that this information helps.
Okay, but you do see in your example that the color override is ignored for any area that is not white. How would anyone know this is how the color works with a brush? It’s these little details that are not documented anywhere.
Again, I had a sprite that was rendered black regardless of color chosen unless I happened to pick white. I got lucky figuring that out. Things like this can drive people crazy.