[BUG?] When retargeting animation to MakeHuman model from other skeletons, the animated mesh becomes tiny (5.4.4)

It seems this bug has now been fixed. (@SupportiveEntity, is this true?) But when I do the same steps, instead of the crash, the animated mesh is now becoming tiny. Unlike the previous bug, it does not happen with any skeletons except the MakeHuman skeleton. Also this bug does not happen in the opposite direction: when I retarget an animation from MakeHuman skeleton to another skeleton, the mesh does NOT become huge. The MakeHuman skeleton has a nominal x10 scale in the root bone, maybe this in some non-trivial way leads to such a complex behaviour of this bug? @SupportiveEntity, could you clarify this situation?

Hey there @Etyuhibosecyu! It does look like the issue had been resolved from the reports I’ve seen prior to this report. The 10x scale could definitely be an issue, though there are methods of retargeting that shouldn’t take into the scale of the target but the relative dimensions. I have a somewhat dated community resource that may not still be viable since the changes to the retargeting system if you’d like to take a look. (Ignore the fact it’s about animals, it’s good for non-conforming skeletons in general).

Otherwise I’ll have to spin up a Makehuman file and take a look myself, as I hadn’t worked with the retargeting suite since it’s updates to verify for sure.

Sorry I didn’t find the key difference between retargeting in the video you have shown and the usual IK retargeting. In the solver? In the IK Goal? I have done the IK Rig, added chains with proper names and created a retargeter from the Mannequin IK Rig even before your video, and everything works except scale. Here is my IK window:

I also tried to set the “Retarget Root” into the “root” or “pelvis” bones, with the same effect. Can you explain what am I doing wrong?

Since I don’t work with much of the technical art side I had to take a crack at it myself. It seems it works for every bone other than the root, using the root as a baseline. Doing some testing on workarounds for it. I believe the retargeting system has the capability, but I need to identify how.

Took a bit of tinkering, but it looks like following these steps seemed to have a better result, but the base GameEngine rig is the same as the old UE rig. The key step here was adjusting the scale, and matching the bones names/relative scales in blender and applying the deltas.

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Thank you @SupportiveEntity, but this is for UE4, in which everything worked anyway. Also I haven’t found any mentions about “scale” or “size” words in this tutorial. Also I couldn’t adjust the scale manually because the super-root bone (named “GameEngine” or “Uengine”) is not even selectable. When I click on it, nothing happens. Maybe the problem is actually in the UE5 and not in the “adjusting the scale”, because, as mentioned above, in the UE4 all the retargeting system worked fine? (Note: but I cannot use the UE4 since UE5 has very many other fine things, and since almost all new asset packs are not present for UE4.)