[BUG?] UE5.4 crashes when trying to open the animation retargeted from old mannequin to MakeHuman model

Steps to reproduce:

  1. MakeHuman can be downloaded from here.
  2. Create any model with skeleton “GameEngine” and export it as FBX in T-pose.
  3. Import it into Blender, do some operations such as renaming materials, replacing textures etc. and export as FBX again. (I don’t know if this step is important but I had done it.)
  4. Import that model into UE5.4 with blank skeleton; this will automatically create the new skeleton.
  5. Right-click any animation of old mannequin and click “Retarget Animations”.
  6. The source mesh will be chosen automatically; choose the created on step 3 MakeHuman model as the target mesh.
  7. Click “Export Animations” and confirm.
  8. Double-click the created animation and enjoy the crash!
    @SupportiveEntity, could you clarify is it a bug, or why the editor crashes? It is strange at all that the editor can crash on something except the overflow of hardware resources: does the engine not have try-catch?

Bump. The topic is actual.

Hey there @Etyuhibosecyu! Looks like a possible bug, though some inconsistent skeletons can cause it. Do all imported skeletons cause this or just the one from Makehuman?

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@SupportiveEntity, I have tested 7 skeletons (including new mannequin and two versions of old one from different packs) and 17 skeleton pairs and figured out that the crash depends mostly on target skeleton and occurs always on 3 skeletons including MakeHuman, sometimes on old mannequin and very rarely, almost never on 2 skeletons including new mannequin. Can this somehow help?

Bump. The topic is actual again.

The crash seems to be inconsistent with some skeletons. I had submitted a report as these skeletons seem to be working on previous versions. The crashes pointing back to bone arrays seem to point at an engine side bug.

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Hi, I have the same problem. The redirect is working and I can use the animation, but it crashes when I open it. Have you solved this problem? I am a newbie, please forgive me.

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Bump. The topic is actual again. @SupportiveEntity, are there any news in solving the problem?

I haven’t heard any updates on this issue specifically, though there was an issue that was found with bone count being incorrect when passed that could be related.

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@SupportiveEntity, I do not see this in fixed in 5.4.3. Are there any news about this?

It seems this has been fixed in 5.4.4, at least in the part that is significant for me. The topic is not actual. If the bug returns, it will be another topic.

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