[Bug?]Variable pointer to UObject are nullified in a class when its child is implemented with Blueprint

This is not the first time I encounter this behavior.

Variable pointer to an UObject are nullified inside other containers uobject/ucomponent when this conteiner child is implemented with Blueprint.
I’m creating or assigning variables to some UObjects.
But when some functions are then called those variables are nullified.
I put some check to see if those are same containers and they are.

Also class is created with inline editing:

I have a class ULyraInventoryManagerComponent. Its inheritad by a blueprint child B_LyraInventoryManagerComponent
The constructor of B_LyraInventoryManagerComponent is called saving the name of this class to check if values are comming and are assigned.

struct FContainer
SetOwnerComponent(UActorComponent* inOwnerComponent);

UObject * OwnerComponent;

FString TemdDebugNameComp ;

class ULyraInventoryManagerComponent  : public UActorComponent

Container container;


Container::SetOwnerComponent(UActorComponent* inOwnerComponent)
		TemdDebugNameComp = GetNameSafe(OwnerComponent);


But when a function of this B_LyraInventoryManagerComponent is called next time, then this OwnerComponent is NULL but the name stays as it was set in constructor.

Use TWeakObjectPtr or add UPROPERTY()

It is an UProperty.
Here is approximated pseudocode.