Unreal Engine 4.0.1 contains a huge reflection Bug. Reflection of fire is showing beyond the wall, which is totally unexpected…and unrealistic!
The reflection on the floor is even higer if thefloor has mettalic material or any other reflective material. This bug occurs everytime irrespective of repetitive light build or any kind of map changes.
@legendoflegacy: This is not a “bug” with the engine. UE4 uses a deferred render path for it’s physically based rendering system.
In the particle system the light module is not occluded by any walls around it. You would want to control this by opening the particle system and changing the light radius to be a much smaller area.
I used the P_flames particle and adjust the Light module radius to be lower. You can visualize the light radius by enabling the “preview light radius” check box.
For the radius you would need to adjust the setting for radius scale > distribution > set the constant value to adjust the light size.