Bug Report: Volumetric Cloud Disappearance on Xbox Series S - uefn 5.4 (27.00) oct 23 release

Reference ID


Please select what you are reporting on:

Unreal Editor for Fortnite

What Type of Bug are you experiencing?

World Building


The volumetric cloud rendering feature within the UEFN (Unreal Engine for Next-gen) is experiencing an issue specifically on the Xbox Series S platform. When accessed on the Xbox Series S, the volumetric clouds disappear entirely from the visual display. However, the feature operates without any issues on low-spec PC setups.

Steps to Reproduce

Load a vanilla lighting sample scene (epic lighting for example) then Publish test island. Navigate to scenes or areas where volumetric clouds should be visible.
Notice that the clouds are entirely absent from the visual display.
Run the same island on a low-spec PC and observe that the volumetric clouds are rendering correctly.

Expected Result

The volumetric cloud feature should render appropriately and consistently across different platforms, including the Xbox Series S, as it does on low-spec PCs.

Observed Result

This issue significantly impacts the visual experience of the application for Xbox Series S users, detracting from the immersive atmosphere intended by the inclusion of volumetric clouds.


Platform Affected: Xbox Series S
Software/Engine: UEFN (Unreal Engine for Next-gen)
uefn 5.4 (27.00) oct 23 release

Sreenshots: Discord