BUG Report NOT question

Get this from the editor every time I try to do it the backward way you have media textures running… Sorry for the hostility but do to the crashes I loose more time than I have on doing anything with the editors file system. For example moving assets crashes or better yet doesn’t actually move anything just copies (that is if it doesn’t spend 25 minutes freezing the editor and then crashing)… And nothing gets refreshed in the startup load so it keeps rewriting the directory like a virus…

Due to flat out crashing to desktop this is the debug message from VS when I try to import a media mp4 into the player that is the same as files I have imported before… This happens randomly, though on this file every time… The strange thing is that the file that I am trying to import is smaller than the other file I have successfully imported (though that one crashed the editor once).

Unhandled exception at 0x000007FEFAB9ED51 (mfplat.dll) in UE4Editor.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.

I just let this go for every version since 4.4.1 but it is seriously cutting down my work. It is hindering both of my Commercial products (because it happens to our entire team as well) and it is not ok. make a game stable is work so the engine should be rocksolid when it comes to import/export and changing file systems.

I would understand the issues if we were using source control but at the moment we are not.

I also appoligise Apparently my message got cut off… I said in the begining that I get this from

Ya I do Reference Cleanups regularly…

I am sorry under the 4.7 Engine/Saved/Logs there is niltch… The directory is blank…

I was about to test it in 4.6 to see if it was version specific… Sometimes this problem if I run other things after the crash… Like for example I am about to play a game and I am responding here… I give it some alone time and it seems to work itself out which means in my experience as a coder (who has written two game engines in the past professionally) MEMORY problem…

Hey. Could you please add the full logs so I can take a look. Another question, did you every do a Reference Clean-up from time to time?

Could you take a look under the Project which it crashes on [ProjectName]/Saved/Logs

The error indicates that the crash happens inside Windows Media Foundation. It is likely caused by a particular movie encoding that is either not supported or buggy in WMF. Unfortunately, there is not really much we can do right now, other than encoding the video with a different format. In particular, H.264 is not supported right now. Have you tried MPEG-4?

Also, if you could share the video file somewhere, I can take a look at it myself and maybe find a format that doesn’t crash.

[2015.02.16-21.04.54:877][ 37]LogContentBrowser:Verbose: The content browser source was changed by the sources view to ‘None’
[2015.02.16-21.04.54:877][ 37]LogContentBrowser:Verbose: The content browser source was changed by the sources view to ‘/Game/Assets/movies’
[2015.02.16-21.05.06:899][ 57]LogFactory: FactoryCreateBinary: MediaPlayer with MediaPlayerFactory (0 0 B:\Video\converted\TcpDumpCap_x264.mp4)
[2015.02.16-21.05.07:483][ 57]LogContentBrowser:Verbose: The content browser source was changed by the sources view to ‘None’
[2015.02.16-21.05.07:483][ 57]LogContentBrowser:Verbose: The content browser source was changed by the sources view to ‘/Game/Assets/movies’
[2015.02.16-21.05.27:620][ 53]Cmd: OBJ SAVEPACKAGE PACKAGE="/Game/Assets/movies/TcpDumpCap_x264" FILE=“B:/GameProjects_production/CIN/Content/Assets/movies/TcpDumpCap_x264.uasset” SILENT=true
[2015.02.16-21.05.27:625][ 53]LogSavePackage: Save=1.618921ms

I have successfully imported other videos the same way. Because these videos are readouts of tcp/ip dumps (we are making a scifi game called CIN so I need that kind of stuff) the videos were actually captured differently than the other video which was a level walk through of defiance (we are actually also a gaming clan).

The walkthrough video that I imported with only one crash was captured with FRAPS however that video needed to be re-encoded as well seeing as how it is avi format. So I covered it to MP4. It worked fine after that.

This one was captured with open broadcaster for linux and it was captured as a flv file so I also converted it to mp4…

Could it be the flv to mp4 conversion? I used the same program to do both in winblows…

Ok… just to make sure that it wasn’t the file format, I converted to MPEG-4 for xbox… IT crashed

Then (Even though it is not an option for our game) I tried a WMV and it crashed. The videos work fine otherwise. Just not importing… However I didn’t try it on UE 4.6 but we are not using 4.6 because I lost an entire days work due to a music file import issue that was alot more devastating than this… Now the project just crashes after the editor load image/splash closes.

This is where the material that is working loads:

[2015.02.16-21.09.45:861][989]LogMaterial: Missing cached shader map for material Defiance_Mat, compiling.
[2015.02.16-21.09.45:903][989]LogActorComponent: UnregisterComponent: (/Engine/Transient.SkeletalMeshComponent_0) Not registered. Aborting.
[2015.02.16-21.09.45:965][989]LogActorComponent: UnregisterComponent: (/Engine/Transient.SkeletalMeshComponent_0) Not registered. Aborting.

This is the only mention of the media I am trying to import:

[2015.02.16-21.09.59:560][619]LogContentBrowser:Verbose: The content browser source was changed by the sources view to ‘/Game/Assets/movies’
[2015.02.16-21.10.06:670][937]LogMaterial: Missing cached shader map for material term1, compiling.

There are no errors concerning it…

There is nothing about the crash but the log seems to be cut off…

Ok it seems to have been solved by preview 4.7 8