Project migrated form 4.7.3 where join worked fine.
Hi 2rusbekov,
I haven’t been able to reproduce this in 4.7.4. There is a known issue with 4.7.4 that we’re looking into currently (UE-13250) that causes a crash in Multiplayer Shootout, and I’m wondering if this is related. Can you share some screenshots of your BP setup, basically anything that touches JoinSession? Thanks!
I looked Shootout project’s docs and I got same structure.
Hi 2rusbekov,
I still can’t reproduce this in a new project, nor in a project that uses same setup as Multiplayer Shootout converted from 4.7.3. Does same thing happen in a new project? If so, would you mind uploading a test project somewhere for me? If not, could you upload your current project so we can take a look at it? I believe this may be fixed by coming fix for Multiplayer Shootout crash, but I won’t know for certain unless I can reproduce it. Thanks!
Hi 2rusbekov,
I haven’t heard back from you in a while, so I’m resolving this post for tracking purposes. Please let us know if you’re still having trouble with this after 4.7.5 update and provide information requested above, and we can continue investigating. Thanks!
hey, i have same problem in 4.82 project converted from 4.2 but then i started a 4.81 from scratch and copied code and assets. i can find session but not able to join
[2015.07.29-03.42.16:352][588]LogOnline:Verbose: Received 231 bytes from
[2015.07.29-03.42.21:314][896]LogScript:Warning: Found a session. Ping is 25
[2015.07.29-03.42.26:083][190]LogScript:Warning: JoinSession - Invalid player state
[2015.07.29-03.42.26:083][190]LogBlueprintUserMessages: Join Failure
[2015.07.29-03.42.31:264][511]LogScript:Warning: JoinSession - Invalid player state
[2015.07.29-03.42.31:264][511]LogBlueprintUserMessages: Join Failure
[2015.07.29-03.42.38:713][972]LogScript:Warning: JoinSession - Invalid player state
Hey ,
We’ll look into this on your other post: