This usually happens when one or more vertices have no Weights/bones assigned to them. You have to fix this in maya by weightpainting the specific vertices.
As far as I can tell all of my vertices have weights associated with them. I don’t think Maya even allows you to have vertices that are unweighted, if you “erase” weights from a vertex they get reassigned to another one.
Unfortunately I can’t open the original file so I can’t say for sure it’s the weightpaint. exp- and reimporting it from within unreal fixes the mesh, however this breaks the bone rotations
Well the file says corrupt and it does not show up so I could not proceed . Let me find you any alternate solution . I am trying to import it in blender then see if the export works…
A cleanup didn’t fix the issue. I can make the issue go away if I set all vertices weighted fully to my root joint, which makes me think that there is something inherently wrong with the vertices around the thumb on my model.
I’m planning on remodeling this mesh anyways, so I’m probably just going to give up on this for now, and see if it pops up again after I make my new model. If any Epic Games staff wants to know more about my issue let me know.