In some cases i noticed that you would have to restart your UE4 editor because the glow (color glow not light), will not be applied properly after commiting a lot changes on a particle system (at least that’s the best way i could re-create it).
Seems like 90% if not all particle (sprites) lose their glow and only a small amount of them keeps glow (probably the overlapping ones cause the additive effect to work).
EDIT: Most issues i noticed happen in scenes set under low lights (dark/night) and with eye adaption enabled (default).
EDIT2: Digged a bit and i found that something is going on with the game view. This is in game view : Screenshot by Lightshot
and this one without the game view: Screenshot by Lightshot
To explain it a bit better, In game view it appears like semi-opaque sparks, But out of game view they appear properly as intended.
Hi Chris,
I am attempting to test this issue. Can you please explain your particle’s cascade set-up that is giving you this result? Or, if you can, precise steps that lead to this problem occurring? Please let me know what you can, as it will help in this investigation.
Thank you,
The only thing you need to do is, Create a scene that has no global lights on, Dark environment, Inside a lightmass or outside doesn’t make a difference.
Then create an additive unlit material (sparks) for example, Make many of them in that scene include initial color and scale color / life to try making it glow. Place them in your level.
As soon as you place them in your level notice the difference between game mode and not in game mode. Seems like it happens because there is no light and in game mode all light created by the helper icons is lost, While not in game mode they get boosted by that light.
Ok, I am seeing this now. I checked our reports and it looks like this is related to the issue where certain icons are blowing out light in the editor. This issue is known and being worked on. Thank you for your report. If you see any other odd behavior, please let us know.
No worries, Thank you for the replies.