I’ve placed a Box Collision as a trigger inside my Blueprint and I just noticed that the scale of the the box is double what you specify in the Box Extents of the collision component. For example, I created a box collision and set the X and Z to 1024 and left the Y at the default value of 32. When I place the BP in the world and then create a Box Brush and give it the same X,Y,Z values of 1024,32,1024, it’s half the size (or 1/4 the size in area). This leads me to believe that the scale of the Box Collision is incorrect.
Steps to re-create:
Create and Actor BP and add a Box Collision component to it.
Select the Box Collision component and in the details panel, set it’s Box Extents to X:1024 Y: 32 Z:1024
Compile and Save and drag the BP into the world.
In the Modes Panel, choose geometry and drag a Box brush into the world. Set the X,Y,Z vales under brush shape to 1024, 32, 1024 and then move it next to the BP Actor.
Note that the box brush is 4X smaller than the Box Collision in area, and double the depth making the Box Collision exactly 2X the scale that it is supposed to be.
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Did you have an answer? do you think this 2 problems might be the same case?(in my case the yellow thing also looked half the size it supposed to look, but I just ignored it)
Thank you for submitting your bug report, however, this is by design, and not a bug with the Engine. BoxExtents refers to ‘radius’, so the overall dimensions will be twice the numbers entered. BoxBrush uses total size.
Strange decision if you ask me, but I guess it makes sense.