[BUG] RepNotify isn't called on ListenServer for array

Repro steps:

  1. Create custom BP player state class inherited from APlayerState.
  2. Add an array variable (either of name type or integer).
  3. Mark the array as RepNotify.Without any conditions.
  4. Run two instances from the editor. One - Listen server, other - Client. Autoconnect.
  5. Change the array (e.g. add something) on the server side.
  6. RepNotify isn’t called on the listen server side. For the client side works correctly.


  • RepNotify IS called for listen server and client for non-array values (at least integer).

  • RepNotify IS called when using dedicated server.

  • RepNotify IS called when reassigning array itself.

Am I missing something or is it a bug?


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