Hi in BP i try to do damage for my vehicle, so i create trigger sphere to add visual damage to my car on every overlap, but it don’t fire OnBeginOverlap event for BSP and terrain,so i find bsp don’t support overlap collisions and i need use static mesh, but what i can do with terrain? why it don’t responds to my trigger? its a bug or maybe i need do additional settings to terrain
Hi ,
Does this occur in a clean, blank project with no additional content or is this limited to one project? What steps are you taking that I can take to reproduce this on my end?
Hi, so for recreate this i do the next step
1 Create vehicle template
2 create sphere collision(in vehicle bp)
3 set it to to custom and check all overlaps(but not a vehicle)
4 create terrain
5 add standard grass material from starter content
6 set terrain collision to block all
7 try to crash(hit car in terrain) in ground and nothing shoot from my sphere events(begin OverLap and OnHit)
PS off top… i also have problem with my project build, i don’t know what to do, can some one from epic look why i cant do build it say unknown error and i cant find solution(your error system very hard to understand…) so from 4.8 or 4.9p1 i cant build my game, only play in editor, so if you want i can send my project(it has “build error bug” and “sphere overlap bug”) and you can play with this bugs?
If you are comfortable uploading your project I can take a look and see what may be occurring.
ok, thx, where can i upload my project for you?
Hi ,
You can either upload it as a . file here or, if privacy is a concern, private message me on the forums with a link to the project through a trusted FTP service such as dropbox.
Hi , I was able to reproduce the overlap error, though it appears the overlap is only occurring when the sphere collision overlaps another component within the same blueprint. If I drag it away from the vehicle it does not register. I’ve entered a bug report, UE-21143, to be assessed by the development staff for this. I have not, however, been able to reproduce the build error. What specific steps are you taking to recreate this on your end?
thx, for reply, good to hear about finding bug, but for the build error i do regular stuff like click File>PackegeProject>windows>windows 64 and wait… and after some time i always get Error Unknown Cook Failure and cant find solution!!!, and so far i only can play in editor((((
her is my log
Is this an HTML5 project? I decided to try launching the project using the launch button as opposed to packaging the project. The error warning that appeared was:
“HTML5 is not listed as a supported platform for this project, so may not run as expected”.
hi, no its only windows(but i also have this message)…also try to ask, you have success windows build on your pc ? or you also have error?
I do get the error, I was attempting to see if it was tied to something else. This is why I tested the Launch button. I’ll post back when I have additional information.
Hi ,
I have finally managed to limit the scope of what is causing the packaging error and have entered a bug report, UE-21580, to be assessed by the development staff. The folders causing your errors are: Blueprints, ThirdPersonBP, and Vehicles. If any of those are in your project you will not be able to package your project.
Hi, thx for help, i try move all my asset from this broken folders and then create new and place moved assets inside … after that i delete broken folders and do fix redirections command , and after that i try build my project and this be success, but when i try start halo.exe i get error any idea why?
PS how you find problem?, is there any tutorials for finding this kind errors/ problems in UE projects?
Hi ,
To find the problem, I removed everything from the contents folder and then started placing folders back in slowly until the error occurred. once it started to occur I removed that folder and kept adding, finding the other two folders that caused the same error. To test further, I took these folders into a blank project with no additional content and tested each by itself in packaging. Simply having them in the project caused the packaging error to occur.
so this is bug after all))) i hope Epic find solution or create system to find this kind errors, also i already find how to fix error message what showing when i start game, some how in maps&modes (in my project settings) all maps, game instants, server maps and etc set to red(i think they are lost some how), but after setting all back (by hands) i try do build again and all work fine, so thanks
also i have another bug)))), but i create tread in wrong section (so you don’t see it), you can recreate it in project what i send you, need just posses vehicle from top like in this tread(https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/243231/bug-vehicle-bug-strange-magnet-effect-after-posses.html) and you see that effect(i record bug in older version of my project but it still here in version what i give you need just add BP nodes to create line trace and do posses after getting vehicle), this is last bug what i find in my project.
PS sometimes epic write list of users what can help find bugs or do other good stuff for engine, what i need to do for get in that list?
Hi again, i think i have another bug with trigger(colliding sphere and capsules on my vehicle), so i create many of them on my vehicle to checking damage points and set to created by Me custom collision channel(set it to overlap all but
except pawn and vehicle) but when i drive in my vehicle this colliders always overlap my vehicle(but i set to ignore all damage checker colliders), so i thing this is another bug?
Damage checker Collision preset
Damage checker Collision capsule and spheres on perimeter of vehicle
Vehicle Collision preset
When the vehicle hits objects, do the objects have “Simulation generates Hit Events” turned to true? Additionally, make sure that the hit event checks to make sure that the hit actor does not equal self, are you getting the same response after this?
Hi i don’t use hit events, only begin overlap(but all object in world what i use for crash i setup for responds)… so If my vehicle damage checker triggers overlap objects all not ideally but work!!!(if temp fix enable) and i get what i need…, so for temporally fix i create check on equal self , but its only temporary solution and it also shoot every frame, I need some how fix problem when my colliders(spheres and capsules) overlap my vehicle(and every frame shoot beginOverlap events), its to expensive!!! i need that my triggers only shoot when they overlap something else BUT NOT vehicle it self, so for now i cant do super easy task!!! and i think there is a bug, or UE4 collision system work not logically
here is a record video of my problem
If you could please run an actor begin overlap. Off of this, get the “other actor” pin and have it get the “Display Name” of what it is overlapping. From this, run a print string to determine exactly what is triggering the overlap event. Additionally, when your player character possesses the vehicle, make sure that the third person character you are using is not what is triggering the overlap events. For instance if his hand or legs clip one of the capsules it will most likely register an overlap.
Hi, in first time i also think about that character can make problems to vehicle damage colliders overlapping, and to check what is collide with my vehicle i did what you say with print other actor name (if you look closely in my video i have print messages, and in this message i draw name of actor(BP_warthog_origin --its a vehicle BP) what collide with damage checker colliders), if you will i can give you a last version of my project for more closely look