There seems to be a bug in the Menu of the VR Template of UE 5.1.
To reproduce create a new project with the VR Template.
Open the WidgetMenu widget and duplicate one of the buttons 2 times. Just print string on clicked for both.
Now if you PIVR and you click one of the buttons severel times it just fires one time. The button just gets somehow resetted if you click another button but then you also can just click it again one time.
Can anyone say what causes the behavior and how to resolve it to normal behavior?
Ok, after searching again I found this, which is the same.
Also the bug has already been reported and will be fixed with 5.2
Fix is coming to 5.1.1 as well
Ohh, that are great news. I thought it will just come with 5.2 because thats mentioned in the issue report.