Hi everybody.
We are actually working with foliage and encountered a strange behavior at lightmass creation.
It seems to happen in very specific case, so we tried to reproduce the bug.
For short, Lightmaps on foliage creates artefacts when the foliage is placed in a sublevel, lit by another sublevel (tagged as light scenario) and played in the stand alone mode (or cooked in an app)
Please find below the steps in order to reproduce it :
Start with an empty map and create 3 sublevels (create the sublevels with the ‘create new’ button and don’t try to duplicate existing sublevel to save time (it creates bugs with Volume Lights Samples)
Change the streaming method of the first one with ‘Always Loaded’ and tag the second one as a Light Scenario.
You should now have something like that :
- STEP_02-
Add some static lights in you LIght Scenario Sublevel.
Let’s say a directional and a SkyLight.
Set-up your Light Scenario Sub Level as it will be initially Loaded and visible.
- STEP_03-
Now add any static mesh to your foliage library.
First difference as working with foliage without sub levels : A popup window opens and ask you to automaticaly create a Foliage Type Asset based on your static mesh.
- STEP_04-
Build the light (no matter which Lighting Quality)
Everything look fine in the viewport …
- STEP_05-
Play the game (in active viewport or in Standalone game mode) … and … ooooch … lightmaps suddenly looks psychedelic …
As we use the Light Scenario in most of our apps it sounds like an issue.
From your perspective, is it a bug or did we make something wrong in creating our Sub Levels ?
Feel free to ask if you need more information.
Best regards,